Ginnette Sandberg (1982) born in Cali, Colombia and works and lives in Oslo, Norway
2000 - 2005 B.S. Industrial and Systems Engineering
2014 - 2018 Art school, Det Tverrfaglige Kunstinstitutt (DTK)
2017 London school trip - focus on textile art
2017 Text in Art - Anne Thomassen
2017 Collagraph - Marianne Karlsen
2016 London school trip - focus on print
2016 Drawing - Lara Soares
2016 Course in graphics - Susanne Skeide
2015 Figurative painting - Elisabeth Marie Toften
2015 Photography - Tammo Rist
2015 Drawing - Tatiana Amaral
2014 Photography - Filipe Ferraira
2014 Sculpting - Juan Milanes and Samuel Oulu
2014 Collage - Annette Schrøder Zetlitz
2013 Course: Maleri for nybegynnere at Nydalen Kunstskolen
1997 Michael's basic painting course - Coral Springs, FL
2020 Oslo Open House @oslofjordhage
2017 Collective exhibition "Random Connections" in the town hall gallery, Oslo Rådhus
2016 Semesterutstilling at DTK
2015 Semesterutstilling at DTK