Inspiration in a poem - bølgelengde
A poem, Bølgelengde by Kolbein Falkeid, inspired this print, which I called by the same name. I transcribed the poem below, next to the picture it inspired. The poem tells of how, with age, one relishes in the opportunity of meeting people that speak the same "language." A language, that is not about words but wavelengths. Wavelengths that wrap you up in a cocoon of safety but are left behind in confusion, as the butterfly you have become, flies away courageously beyond the earth...
This poem, in a way, reflects one of my philosophies in life. A philosophy that people enter your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
The characters in our lives either change or leave. Often, we are so attached to their memory, to keeping things as they are, that we are not able to see how these characters no longer help us grow. At one point they have, perhaps, transformed us but they no longer do, and we are not able to see that we have grown out of our relationship with them. We are not able to see that suddenly, we have larger wings. Wings that can launch us forward and guide us to new people. Launch us to new experiences that will further form us, that will help us grow...and we stay, and we force things, and we don´t realize that the "cocoon" is broken. We don´t realize that the cocoon is empty. We don´t realize that it is time to move on. That it is time to let go. That it is time to fly higher.
Jo eldre jeg blir
jo finere det er å møte folk som snakker språket mitt.
Det er som å møte landsmenn i det vilt fremmede
når du ikke har vært hjemme på mange år.
Det går ikke på ord, det går på bølgelengder, øyners korona,
varmestråling. Plutselig
å bli spunnet inn en kokong av trygghet.
Og siden
vikle seg ut av den. En sommerfugl
ser forundret på de tørre restene av skall etterlatt i silken.
Så flager dem modig utover jorda.